Mental capability of higher schoolstudents of different specialties
G.S. Petrov, V.P. Liashenko, І.V. Kofan, І.V. Dergval.
Dnipropetrovsk National University, Ministry of Educationand Science of Ukraine, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine.
Mental capability of higher school students of different spe-
cialties: technical (27 male and 35 female), natural (32 male and
30 female) and humanitarian (20 male and 26 female) were
studied. The following parameters were studied: perception,
attention, memory, thinking and mental capability. The results
showed that the development of psychophysiological
organization of informational processing system in higher school
students of different specialties is characterized by
geterocronyisms and depend on the field of professional train-
Г.С. Петров, В.П. Ляшенко, І.М. Кофан, І.В. Дрегваль
001ISSN 0201-8489 Фізіол. журн., 2006, Т. 52, № 6
ing. The learning of technical specialties results in the new
associative links set up and abstract concepts forming under
the object analysis. The natural specialties promote of the
cognitive functions development along with time interval per-
ception forming. The humanitarian specialties are characterized
by attention and associative thinking functions.
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