Significance of adreno- and cholino-inhibitors in cardiac rhythm autonomic regulation during different weather types
O. V. Denefil'
I.Ya. Horbachevskyy Ternopil State Medical University, Ternopil, Ukraine
DOI: https://doi.org/10.15407/fz57.02.066
In the experiments of 4,5-5 months old rats, we studied the influences of adrenal and cholinoblockators on the autonomic balance of cardiac rhythm during the I, II and III types of weather. Blockade of P-adrenoreceptors and M-cholino-receptors was evoked by anapriline (1,5 mg/kg) and atropine sulfate (1,0 mg/kg), respectively. Electrocardiograms for further analysis were registered in control and 30 minutes after injections of the blockers. It was shown that male rats have the highest activity of sympathetic nervous system under weather type I. High reactivity of P-adrenoreceptors was determined under all weather types in males and females. In males, atropine blocks the autonomic M-cholinoreceptors under weather types II and III, while in females this effect is detected under all weather types. Furthermore, in males we detected a compensatory increase of sympathetic nervous system during all weather types, while in females such an increase was detected during weather types I and II. Collectively, we determined sex differences in adaptation to weather type changes which are connected to different reactivity of adreno-and cholinoreceptors.
?-adrenoblocators, M- cholinoblocators, type ofweather, rats.
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