The effect of preadaptation on the acutehypobaric stress and physiological bone tissue regeneration
V.A. Berezovskii, I.G. Litovka, A.S. Kostyuchenko
Ін-т фізіології ім. О.О. Богомольця НАН України, Київ
In experiments on rats we investigated the resistance to the barochamber testing (12000 u.s.l. velositi 80 m/s) before and after training for 14 and 28 days in the normobaric gas mixture(N2 + O2, Po2 = 100+-10 mm of Hg). It was shown that after preadaptation the resistance to acute hypobaric hypoxia increased 1,7-1,8 times. Alimentary deprivation (40%) does not essentially affect the resistance to hypoxia. Biochemical markers show that normobaric low-dosed hypoxic preadaptation (14 days) activates the physiological regeneration process, promote the increase in concentrations of leptin, parathyreoid and growth hormones. Alimentary deprivation decreased an alkaline phosphatase activity and concentration of growth hormone. We suggest that normobaric hypoxic preadaptation but not alimentary limitation has definite positive influence on the bone tissue state.
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