Zh.A. Kruchenko
O.O. Bogomoletz Institute of Physiology NationalAcademy Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
The impulse activity of prefrontal cortex neurons of hypertensive (SHR line) rats during realization of the food instrumental conditioned reflex in the control and under the stress induced by strong sound irritation as well as the mechanisms of the stress correction by D2-receptors blockade with sulpyride were studied. A biphasic-type of prefrontal cortex neuronal activity in response to the prearranged signal which caused limb searching motion is revealed. This activity consisted of excitation in response to prearranged flick and inhibition which preceded and accompanied reflex motion. Cessation of impulse discharge generation under acute stress testifies the correlation between the animal emotional state and neuronal activity. D2-receptors antagonist sulpyride is shown to resume stress–injured activity by increasing food motivation and neuronal background activity and by strengthening inhibition concerned with conditioned reflex motion.
: impulse activity, prefrontal cortex, conditioned reflex, D-2 receptors, sulpyride, rats
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