Non-specific stress-reaction as indi-cator of radiosensitivity
O.B. Ganzha, N.K. Rodionova, G.A. Dolynskyy,L.V. Kostyukova, M.O. Druzhyna.
R.E. Kavetsky Institute of Experimental Pathology,Oncology and Radiobiology,National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

The data presented demonstrate possible personal radiosensitivity
prognosis according to the immobilization stress response (ani-
mal model). It was demonstrated on the Wistar rats that in
radiosensitive animals initial oxidative metabolism parameters
were higher than in radioresistant ones, and prooxidant-antioxi-
dant balance alteration after non-radiation stress were more
evident and kept for a longer period. Those animals had had
limphopenia and neutrophilosis. The differences in the response
types between radiosensitive and radioresistant animals were
due to the blood system reserve abilities, as well as the state of
natural mature cells depot, and antioxidant defence enzymes.
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