Age-related features of content of glial fibrous acidic protein instructures of rats. brain on condition of the postoperative state
O.M. Demchenko, P.A. Nerush
Dnepr. med. acad., MH of Ukraine
In experiments in white Wistar rats of three-age groups (im-
mature, mature and old rats) content of glial fibrous acidic
protein (GFAP) was investigated in cerebral cortex, hippoc-
ampus, thalamus and brain stem after the carrying out of
laparotomy. The correlation between emotional activity and
the level of GFAP has been found in the given structures of a
brain. In immature animals, the activation of emotional
component of behaviour was accompanied by decrease in
polypeptide’s soluble and insoluble fractions in brain stem by
16% and 18%, respectively (p<0,05) in relation to intact
animals. In mature rats, the operative trauma was accompa-
nied by the lowering of grooming and lowering of the level of
soluble fraction of GFAP in all structures. In old rats,
laparotomy evoked accumulation of polymerized and depoly-
merized forms of GFAP in hippocampus by 34% and 48%
(p<0,05), respectively.
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© National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Bogomoletz Institute of Physiology, 2014-2024.