Еffects of estradiol on corticoste-roids synthesis, activity of protein kinase A and C in the adrenal cortex of intactand orchiectomized rats
M.D. Tronko, O.I. Kovzun, E.N. Grinchenko, A.S. Mikosha.
V.P. Komisarenko Institute of Endocrinology and Metabolismof AMS, Kyiv, Ukraine.
Estradiol treatment produced significant increase of total 11-
hydroxycorticosteroids level in the blood of intact and castrated
rats. Activity of protein kinase A increased in the cytosol and
membrane fraction of adrenocorticocytes of intact and
orchiectomized rats after estradiol influence. Activity of pro-
tein kinase C significantly raised in the cytosol and membrane
fraction of adrenocortical cells in all investigated groups. Our
results suggest that cAMP-dependent protein kinase A and
protein kinase C mediate estradiol effects in adrenal cortex.
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