Early marker of myocardial injury of ischemia-reperfused heart in experiment and clinicaloperations with artificial circulation
V.F. Sagach, V.B. Maxymenko, A.V. Dmitrijeva, J.A. Bubnova, A.J. Boguslavskij, G.V. Knyshov
O.O. Bogomoletz Institute of Physiology, National Academyof Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv;N.M. Amosov Institute of cardiovascular surgery, Academyof medical Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv

The model of ischemia/reperfusion was reproduced on 9 un-
conscious dogs. Simultaneously with registration of indexes
heart work, hemodynamic and mitochondrial factor (MF) in
venous blood from right atrium was defined. Measures were
done by spectrophotometria. We have also performed spec-
trophotometric determination of MF in 11 patients in course
of operation with blood cardioplegia. Samples of mixed venous
blood from the right atrium were taken on different stages of
artificial blood circulation: ischemia and reperfusion. Besides
that, patients’ level of enzymes was defined: creatine kinase
(СK), mv-creatine kinase (mv-CK), lactatedehydrogenase
(LDG), aspartataminotransferase (AST), within first day of
postoperative period, and also ECG-recording within pre- and
after operative period were done. Maximal MF level correlates
with frequency and severity of cardiac rhythm disturbance,
severity of myocardial hypoxia (r=0,81). Maximum MF level
also demonstrated correlation with KK (r=0,97), mvKK
(r=0,92), LDG(r=0,81), АSТ (r=0,85). Thus, in experimental
and clinic conditions myocardial ischemia was accompanied
by mPTP activation, which led to reperfusion myocardial in-
juries and to release of MF. Method of MF determination
gives opportunity to propose its usage as early marker of
ischemic injuries and also as marker of mPTP opening in vivo.
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