The role of short chain fatty acids and lactic acidin regulation of gastric secretion
T.V. Вeregova, T.M. Falalyeyeva
Kyiv National Shevchenko University, Pharmaco-physiologydepartment

The investigation was carried out in acute experiments by
means of isolated stomach perfusion by Ghosh and Shild and
in chronic experiments in dogs with fistula of the stomach and
duodenum. In rats with intact nervous system lactulose as the
source of short chain fatty acids (SCFAs) diminished basal
and stimulated by insulin, pentagastrin and histamine gastric
acid secretion. By contrast it did not influence carbachol gas-
tric acid secretion. In dogs with intact nervous system lactulose
also suppressed the intensity, debit of acid and pepsin of
gastric juice stimulated by insulin and histamine. It suggests
that the effect of lactulose does not dependent on kinds of
animals. Truncal vagotomy removed the inhibitory action of
lactulose on pentagastrin and histamine gastric acid secretion
in rats. SCFAs and lactic acid suppressed pentagastrin gastric
acid secretion in rats. Lactulose, propionate potassium, lac-
tate potassium enhanced the blood glucose level. Truncal vago-
tomy did not influence the increase of the blood glucose level
evoked by lactulose. It is concluded that SCFAs decreases
gastric secretion in the third intestinal phase through central
inhibition. The mechanism of inhibitory action of lactic and
propionic acids depends on their role in the liver gluconeogen-
esis which leads to increase of the blood glucose level. Hyper-
glycemia as it is known suppress gastric secretion through
diminishing of neural cholinergic activity of nerves vagus.
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