Proteasomal degradation of RNA of differentNO-synthase isoforms
V.E. Dosenko, V.Yu. Zagoriy, A.A. Moibenko
О.О. Bogomolets Institute of Physiology, National Academyof Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv
Using a developed method of determination of the RNase
activity of the proteasome in vitro with the application of
reverse transcription followed by subsequent polymerase chain
reaction it was shown that 26S proteasome from the
proteasomal fraction II effectively cleaves RNA, encoding ac-
tin, myosin and all isoforms of NO synthase. The intensity of
RNA degradation by proteasome and specific RNases is simi-
lar. It was also shown that clasto-lactacystin ?-lactone, a spe-
cific proteasome inhibitor significantly depresses RNase ac-
tivity of the proteasome. Thus, proteasome is capable to de-
grade certain eukariotic RNA in vitro and the proposed method
can be used in order to discover specific substances such as
inhibitors of RNase activity of the proteasome.
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