Magnetic resonanceof magnetically ordered nanoscaleparticles in brain tissue
A.P.Shpak, L.G.Rozenfeld, A.B.Brik,V.L.Karbovskiy, E.G.Pedachenko, T.A.Borisova.
Institute of Metal Physics of NAS of UkraineResearch Center of Radiation Medicine of AMS of UkraineInstitute of Geochemistry, Mineralogy and Ore Formation ofNAS of UkraineInstitute Neurosurgery of AMS of UkraineInstitute of Biochemistry of NAS of Ukraine, Kiev
Nature of unusual resonance signals, which can be registered
by spectrometers of electron paramagnetic resonance, are stud-
ied in different weakly mineralized biological tissues. The ex-
periments are carried out in a three-centimeter range of waves
on human and animal (rats) brain tissues and on the organic
component of mollusk shells. In these materials the unusual
resonance signals, which have unique dynamic characteristics,
are registered. Analysis of the characteristics of the anomalous
signals shows that the signals are produced by magnetically
ordered particles, which have dimensions in nanoscale range.
On the basis of experimental data the conclusions are made,
that as a result of biomineralization processes in brain tissues
both physiological and pathological mineral particles are formed.
The supposition is made, that physiological particles play the
important role in operation of a brain, and pathological can be
a causes of brain diseases
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