Influence of oxygen and nitrogenactive compounds on ph value inuterus myocytes
Iu. V. Danylovych, V.A. Tugai
A.V. Palladin Institute of Biochemistry National Academy ofScience of Ukraine, Kyiv
In suspension from a rat uterus using fluorescent рНi probe
BCECF-AM was established that the „apparent” рНі value
for this object was 6,72±0,02 at рНо=7,4 (t = 25о С, n=5). Cell
activation by 0,1 mM carbachol was accompanied by a rise in
cytosolic рН up to 6,81±0,01. This process with different
efficiency was inhibited by blockers of K +- and Н +-channels:
0,1 mM 4-amidopyridine, tetraethilamonium and cadmium.
The blockers of passive Н +-transport do not inhibit completely
alkalization of myoplasm that can testify in the favor of the
non-channel way of passive transport Н+ through plasma-
lemma. It was established that NO (0,1 mM sodium nitro-
prusside) and NO 2- (10 nM) significantly enhanced the
carbochol-induced rise of myoplasm рН in the cells from
myometrium. It also was shown that carbachol-induced рНі in
myocytes was increased by the addition of 10 nM Н2О2. It
was suggested that the studied compounds could influe
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