Features of operated nerveregeneration under decompensatedform of diabetes
O.O. Goncharuk
A.P. Romodanov Institute Neurosurgery AMS of Ukraine, Kyiv
Work is devoted to a problem of the influence of diabetes on
nervous system function, in particular, the regeneration of
peripheral nerves. Chronic experiment were carried out on 8
mini-pigs (weight 35-40 kg) in two stages. Absolute insulin
insufficiency was formed by total pancreatomy (the first stage);
on the same day the sciatic nerve of an animal was severed 5-
6 sm above its branching and sewed by perineural seam (the
second stage). 60 days after neurorrhaphy a seam zone with
the adjacent tissues was dissected for the investigation of
morphological macro- and microscopic features of proximal
and distal stump in the operated sciatic nerve, regenerative
neuroma, micro-circulating channel of a nerve, a connecting
tissue of neural anastomosis and a nerve trunk as well as a level
of synaptogenesis and a condition of separate muscles
innervated by the operated nerve. The blood level of glucose
and other biochemical parameters were assessed every three
days. Macro- and microscopic examination testifies that the
restoration of the operated nerve by sewing together of its
ends under the decompensated diabetes, is considerably at-
tenuated and is practically impossible during the late stages.
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