Comparative testing of analgesiaevoked by polarized lightand analgetics
Z.A. Tamarova, Y.P. Limansky, S.A. Gulyar
O.O.Bogomoletz Institute of Physiology National Academy ofSciences of Ukraine, Kyiv

In experiments on mice with the tonic pain locus the comparison
of analgesia caused by the action of polarized light on an acu-
puncture point or by two classic analgetics (analginum,
tramadol) was performed. The pain was evoked by hypoder-
mic injection of formalin (30 ml of 5% solution) in the plantar
region of hindlimb. Intensity of a pain was judged by duration
of painful (licking of the pain locus) and non-painful (slipping,
eating, running, washing) behavioral reactions for 60 minutes
of observation. In animals which received immediately after
creation of the tonic pain locus a single intraperitoneal injec-
tion of analginum in a doze of 4,2 mg/kg or 8,3 mg/kg the
duration of pain response was reduced by 28,5 % and 74,9 %,
respectively. Tramadol decreased the duration of pain beha-
vioral response by 34,2 % and 56,2% in a dose 0,8 mg/kg and
8,3 mg/kg, respectively. Statistically significant attenuation of
pain (by 50 %) was observed in the group of animals exposed
to a 10 minute session of polarized light on the antinociceptive
acupoint A-36. Compare to animals that received high dozes
of analgetics, activity and behavior in mice subjected to an
polarized light differed less from the norm. It is possible to
suppose, that polarized light will allow a reduction of phar-
macological analgetics use and consequently will reduce the
risk of development of undesirable side effects in clinic.
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