Effect of time of the day and fatigueon psychophysiological functions inhuman-operator
N.A. Bobko
Institute for Occupational Health under the Academy ofMedical Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev

Time of the day has been found to have an important effect on the intersystemic relations of the psychophysiological
functions of an operator, while the activity of the cardiovascular system (CVS) depended not only on the time of the
day but also, to a large extent, on fatigue. The morning time
potentiated the manifestations of staying awake but the
evening time – those of fatigue. Relatively less pronounced
changes in the functioning of an organism in the morning,
induced by fatigue, gave evidence for both a higher level of
activation of the organism and relatively higher level of the
central interactions in it. Accumulated fatigue potentiated the
manifestations of daily variations of the functional activity
of an operator. The second subsequent night shift has been
shown to have a higher initial activity of the CVS, as compared
to the second day shift, and it was characterised by an
increased difference between systolic and diastolic blood
pressure as compared to the first night shift. Effect of overshift fatigue shows an increase in the vascular component and
a decrease in the cardiac one in the regulation of blood circulation. Mental performance was shown to be less dependent
on time of the day and fatigue as compared to the CVS activity.
Short-term memory was more sensitive to fatigue and more
often correlated with the parameters of the CVS than attention
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