The Generation of Antihypertensive Peptidesfrom ?-Casein after Modeling Proteolysis
Yukalo V. G., Luhovyy B. L
Ivan Pului technical University, Ternopil
Antihypertensive peptides were obtained after the proteolysis of ?-casein by starter
cells Lactococcus lactis ssp. lactis and lactococci with pepsin or fromase. The
peptides have shown the effect as inhibitors of angiotensin-converting enzyme.
The strongest action the peptide obtained after the proteolysis of ?-casein by
synergic action of lactococci with pepsin has shown. It demonstrates a capability
of formation of such peptides directly in milk products during their making and
maturation under the action of proteolytic system of lactic acid bacteria and milk
clothing proteases.
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