Volumetric-combinative elektro-magnetic fields influence on the chemical generative bone composition under the ceramichydroxilapatite defective plastic
V.І. Luzіn, A. P. Pohvalіtij, S. L. Kucherenko, Є. P. Berezhnij
Medical University, Lugansk
In experiment on white rats with the initial mass 130-150
grams researched influence of volumetric - combinative impulse
electromagnetic fields (VCI EМF) with the amplitude
of a magnetic field 0,04/0,05 Teslas on composition
of a reclaim formatived in the field of defect of a tibial
bone, filled with ceramic hydroxylapatite (HAP) with a
size of particles less than 63 microns. Was reserched the
exposure by VCI EМF boosts synthesis of organic matters
in the field of a forming osteal regenerate in early
periods of experiment and accelerates the processes of a
mineralization of an organic matrix. was been stated it
appears by increase of do the mineral component part
in a reclaim. In that case, when the generated osteal defect
is filled with ceramic HAP, VCI EМF boosts synthesis
of a organic matrix and processes of its mineralization, that leads on to the optimization of chemical
composition of a reclaim. In order to use the oftained results
in clinical practice, the histological and ultra structural research
of a formating reclaim are necessary too. These researches are our proximate task.
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