S.V. Tukaev, S.P. Veselsky, E.N. Reshetnik, P.S. Lyashchenko
Research Institute of Physiology of Taras Schevchenko Kyiv National University,Kiev, Ukraine
Many types of cells release ATP under the action of
specific physiological signals. It is known that the
ATP and other adenyl nucleotides is involved in the
regulation of bile secretion too. The aim of our
experiments was to determinate the influence of noradrenaline, fMLP and verapamile on the biliary secretion
of adenyl nucleotides in bile-fistula rats. The biliary
secretion of adenyl nucleotides was decreased under
the influence of noradrenaline, fMLP (in doses
0,1 mkg/(100 g*30 min) and 10,0 mkg/(100 g*30
min)), verapamile and successive intraportal infusion
of verapamile and noradrenaline (in 90 mM/l CaCl2
solution). It seems to be possible that noradrenaline,
fMLP and verapamile regulate bile secretion on the
level of energetic exchange.
calcium, secretion, adenyl nucleotides
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