Release of a factor aftermyocardial ischemia during reperfusion - the investigation of its influence onmyocardium, coronary and peripheral vessels
V.F. Sagach A.V. Dmitrieva T.V. Shimanskaya S.M. Nadtochiy
A.A. Bogomoletz Institute of PhysiologyNational Academy of Science of Ukraine, Kiev
The effect of reoxygenated coronary effluent of an
isolated guinea-pig heart on a sequentially perfused
second heart, right auricle trabecula and arterial vessel
rings was studied after 20 min ischaemia of the first
heart. It has been shown that a factor released after
myocardial ischemia/reperfusion stimulates arrhythmia,
decreases myocardial contractility of the second
heart and depresses tonical tension of the right auricle
trabecula and arterial vessel rings. Storage of the coronary
effluent up to 24 h did not modify its effects.
These results suggest stable factor released from an
isolated heart after ischaemia at reperfusion to exert
humoral effect not only on a myocardial contractility
and coronary circulation but on the peripheral vessels
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© National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Bogomoletz Institute of Physiology, 2014-2024.