Influence of ferrum and zincum elementson lead absorption by a tunica mucosaof different departments of small bowel
S.P. Lugovskoy
Ukrainian Scientific Research Institute of Industrial MedicineMinistry of Public Health, Krivoy Pog

During experiments on turned out sacs models of duodenum, jejunum and ileum of
rats the differences in levels of exogenous Pb2+ absorption were revealed. The most
values were in tunica mucosa (TM) of duodenum and jejunum. Pb2+ absorption was
influenced by previous exposure to trace elements (TE) of Fe2+ (0,79 mmole/100g)
and Zn2+ (0,36 mmole/100g) having been inducted to stomach. TE due to their
physical and chemical properties reduced Pb2+ absorption in different parts of intestine
TM on the average by 14—49%. It was determined that TE prevented Pb2+ absorption
in TM of intestine more effectively during combined introduction compared to isolated
Вплив мікроелементів заліза
2 № ,74 .Т ,1002 ,.нруж .лоізіФ 9848-1020 NSSI45
one (accordingly 42% in duodenum, 43% in ileum and 29% in jejunum). Reducing
Pb+ absorption is explained by probable substrates competition for active centers of
their binding and transfer to TM of intestine.
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© National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Bogomoletz Institute of Physiology, 2014-2025.