The effects of sex hormones on herg-potassiumchannels expressed in xenopus oocytes
V. M. Osipenko, V. E. Degtiar, V. G. Naidionov, Y. M. Shuba
A. A. Bogomoletz Institute of PhysiologyNational Academy of Sciences of Ukraine;International Center of Molecular PhysiologyNational Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev

The repolarisation phase of cardiac action potential is characterized by sexual
dimorphism suggesting the role of sex steroid hormones in the regulation of K+ channels.
Here we report on the effects of testosterone and 17?-estradiol on HERG-encoded K+
channels, expressed in Xenopus oocytes. At 1M concentration testosterone decreased
the amplitude of HERG-directed IKr (rapid component of cardiac delayed rectifier K+
current) by 30 % within 30 min of exposure, while 17-estradiol had no effect.
Testosterone did not alter the HERG channels kinetics, voltage-dependance, steady-
state activation and inactivation properties suggesting that its action most probably
involves the decrease of channels open probability and/or the level of their expression.
The signaling pathways mediating testosterone-induced down-regulation of HERG
channels in Xenopus oocytes remains to be elucidated. The effect of testosterone on
HERG channels in Xenopus oocytes is opposite to what one might expect from shorter
cardiac action potential duration and electrocardiographic QT-interval in males
compared to females.
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