The interferon production by rat spleen and thymus lymphocytes in condititons of hypoacidity
Kompanets' IV, Korotkyĭ OH, Nikols'ka VV, Ostapchenko LI, Pylypenko SV
SSC Institute of Biology Taras Shevchenko NationalMedical University, Kyiv, Ukraine
The interferon production by rat spleen and thymus lymphocytes in conditions of gastric juice hypoacidity, evoked by 28 days of omeprazole treatment, was studied. It was shown that the spontaneous and induced by PHA and cycloferone interferon titer increases in thymocyte and sleenocyte cell cultures under the action of omeprazole. This effect was more expressed in thymocytes. It might be a result of stimulation of interferon secretion by lymphoid cells. Probably the interferon synthesis intensifies in conditions of hypoacidity. This effect may be considered as the reaction of immune system on inflammation in gastro-intestinal tract.
interferon, lymphocytes, spleen, thymus, omeprazole, hypoacidity
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