The role of aldehydes in development of oxidative stress under rhabdomyolysis in rats
Tokarchuk KO, Kapustianenko LH, Shandrenko SH
Palladin Institute of Biochemistry of the NAS of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine

We investigated the changes in the forms of plasma iron and participation of aldehydes in the development of oxidative stress under glycerol-induced rhabdomyolysis in rats. Rhabdomyolysis was caused by intramuscular injection of 50% glycerol in the dose 10 ml/kg. We detected an increase in indexes of oxidative stress. On the day 4, the content of TBA-reactive products in the liver increased by 38%, CO-group proteins in serum in 3,5 times and in the liver in 2,8 times. The content of aldehydes in the liver was increased in 2,9 times. Accumulation of not shielded redox-active iron in the blood plasma in concentrations up to 2,6 mg/l, which is almost three times of iron content of transferring was showed. The formation of this form of iron is one of the triggers of oxidative stress. To explore the participation of endogenous aldehydes in the development of oxidative stress in this model, in additional group of animals glycerol was injected simultaneously with a daily 1% solution of dimedone, aldehydes acceptor at a dose of 10 ml/kg. In this group, at 4th day a decrease in the content of aldehydes in the liver by 79% was recorded. Normalization of aldehydes followed by normalization of the indicators of oxidative stress: decrease the content of TBA-reactive products in the liver by 62%, CO-group proteins in serum by 38% in the liver by 46%. These results demonstrate that elevated level of aldehydes is not only a "product" of oxidative stress, but the aldehydes themselves are actively involved in the development of this process.
oxidative stress, rhabdomyolysis, aldehydes,dimedone.
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