Magnetic-laser influence on the system of nitric oxide and contractile activity of smooth muscles of rat aorta under hypertension
Fedorov SM, Baziliuk OV, Kotsiuruba AV, Korkach IuP, Sahach VF
P.L. Shupyk National Medical Academy of PostgraduateEducation, Kyiv, Ukraine
O.O. Bogomoletz Institute of Physiology, National Academyof Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine

The study was conducted on three groups of rats: Group I included Wistar rats with normal blood pressure (frst control group); group II - rats with genetically determined hypertension (second control group); group III - rats with genetically determined hypertension under the infuence of magnetic-laser power (study group). For the low-intensively magnetic-laser infuence (MLI) we have used device MIT-MT, Ukraine, which was designed for the treatment of low-frequency magnetic feld using optical fow blue and red ranges of spectrum. The MLI duration was 15 minutes for the blue range, and 25 minutes for the red one. Biochemical studies included the determination of the activity of isoenzymes of NO-synthase: constitutive (cNOS) and inducible (iNOS), the content of free hemoglobin, stable metabolites of NO, namely nitrite - (NO2-) and nitrate - (NO3-) anions, resistance to acid hemolysis of red blood cells. The contractile activity of smooth muscles of the aorta was measured. We found that magnetic-laser exposure of rats with genetically determined hypertension in the red (630 nm) and blue (470 nm wavelength) optical range even after a single session leads to an increased synthesis of nitric oxide in the blood plasma. Our data sindicate that the most effective in the intensifcation of endogenous nitric oxide (increase of NO2- and reduction of NO3-) and endothelium-dependent responses of aorta in rats with genetically determined hypertension was a ten-day course of the magnetic-laser exposure in the optical fow of the blue spectral range. Also, after 10 sessions of magnetic-laser exposure in rats from the above specifed spectrum a stabilization of erythrocyte membranes was observed.
magnetic-laser influence, nitric oxide, smoothmuscles, aorta, stabilization of erythrocyte membranes, hypertension.
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