Age peculiarities of cerebral hemodynamics in visually impaired children of preschool and primary school age
I.V. Redka
Kherson University, Kherson, Ukraine
DOI: https://doi.org/10.15407/fz58.02.080
149 visually impaired children (including 75 preschoolers and 74 junior pupils) and 159 healthy children of the first- second group of health (including 79 preschoolers and 80 elementary school children) were examined by the method of REG with using fronto-mastoidal and occypito-mastoidal recordings. Cerebral hemodynamics in impaired children, keeping the age patterns, has features of reduced blood volume and blood flow velocity. These changes were accompanied by an increased tone of arterial and venous vessels of small caliber and peripheral vascular resistance, which becomes more prominent as children get older. These features of cerebral circulation were more pronounced in the vertebro-basilar area compared to the carotid area, and in right hemisphere compared with the left hemisphere. Age-related changes of cerebral hemodynamics are to increase the dicrotyc and diastolic indices and peripheral vascular resistance during the transition from preschool to primary school age, which is related to restructurization of cerebral vessels. Visually impaired children have a greater increase in these age indices compared with healthy children.
impaired children, cerebral hemodynamics.
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