Study of the impact of omega-3 PUFA on fatty acid composition of heart, respiration and swelling of mitochondria of the heart in diabetes
Zhukovs'ka AS, Shysh AM, Moĭbenko OO.
O.O. Bogomoletz Institute of Physiology Ukrainian NationalAcademy of Science, Kyiv, Ukraine

We studied the influence of w-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) on respiration, swelling of rat heart mitochondria and changes in rat heart fatty acid composition in tissue homo-genate in rats with streptozotocin induced diabetes mellitus (diabetes), which was induced by single intraperitoneal administration of 55 mg/kg streptozotocin. We found that application of these acids increased parameters of active mitochon-drial respiration V3 at 63.7%, controlled breathing V4 at 30.7% and the rate of phosphorylation by 18.9% in animals with experimental diabetes. We proved their ability to reduce swelling of mitochondria in heart at streptozotocin induced diabetes. In addition, we established changes of fatty acid composition of cell membranes in hearts under diabetic conditions with w-3 PUFAs influence. The obtained results allow to conclude that the w-3 PUFA have a positive effect on functional parameters of mitochondria due to stabilization cell membranes of rat heart with diabetes.
heart, mitochondria, w-3 polyunsaturated fattyacids, diabetes.
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