The changes of metabolism in myocardium at ischemia-reperfusion and activating of the ATP-sensitive potassium channels
Strutyns'kyĭ RB, Kotsiuruba AV, Neshcheret OP, Rovenets' RA, Moĭbenko OO.
O.O.Bogomoletz Institute of Physiology National Academy of Science of Ukraine, Kyiv

In experiments on the anaesthetized dogs with modeling of experimental ischemia (90 min) and reperfusion (180 min) it was investigated the changes of biochemical processes in the different areas of heart ( intact, risk and necrotic zone) during intragastric introduction of medicinal form (tablets) of flocalin ( the fluorine-containing opener of ATP-sensitive potassium channels) in a dose 2,2 mg/kg. The data analysis allowed to define a few possible cardioprotective mechanisms of flocalin action at ischemia-reperfusion conditions: the preservation of sufficient levels of de novo (by cNOS) NO synthesis, an inhibition of de novo (by iNOS) and salvage (by NADH-depen-dent nitratreductase) NO synthesis, an inhibition of L-arginine degradation by arginase, an inhibition of oxidizing metabolism due to limitation of ROS and RNS generation, inhibition of free arachidonic acid and eicosanoids synthesis, inhibition of AT P and GTP degradations and, possibly, stimulation of protective haem degradation. These changes may prevent formation of toxic peroxynitrite and suggest the possibility of participating in flocalin–mediated cardioprotective effects of warning a mitochondrial permeability transition pore (MPTP) opening and inhibition of apoptosis and/or necrosis of cardiomyo-cytes induced by it.
аденозинтрифосфатчувствительныекалиевые каналы, флокалин, ишемия–реперфузия,оксидативный стресс, нитрозативный стресс, перекисноеокисление липидов, de novo синтез NO, реутилизационныйсинтез NO.
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