Study of antioxidative homeostasis of sick peoplein critical state
E. M. Klimova, A. V. Paranich, I. Yu. Voloshina, N. V. Efimova,Yu. A. Suprun
Kharkov State University Ministry of Education of Ukraine
Content of primary and secondary products of lipid peroxidation, fat soluble vitamins:
A, E, carotene, tocopherol.s metabolites and total antioxidative activity were
investigated in experiments with serum blood of donors and sick people with the
.en. 2. Oaiie
iy .e.i.ic.eiieo aioa-
iiiia, iaoaaieioia oieioa-
.ieo oa caaaeuii. aioe-
ieeni.aaeuii. aeoeaiinoi
(AIA) e.iai o oai.eo c
aino.i. o.aa-
ii. (o aianioeao aia-
iinii iiia.aaiuiai ae-
ii.o): I . aeia.e oiei-
oa.ieo; II .
oiiii; III . aioaiii .;
IV . aioaiii A; V . ea.ioei; VI . caaaeuia AIA; 1 . 1-oa aiaa, 2 . 3-oy aiaa,
3.7-ia aiaa.
I. I. Eeeiiaa oa .i.
84 ISSN 0201-8489 .o.i., 2001, O. 47, . 1
acute surgical trauma. It was showed that during the critical states of sick people
there is watched the strain of adaptive systems of the whole organism with the
resource mobilisation of fat soluble vitamins and appearance of signs of their exhaustion,
modification of the direction of metabolism of the unsaturated fat acids from certain
formation of eicosanoids to the avalanche looking lipid peroxidation with the
accumulation of poisonous products in blood. Also there intensify the formation of
active tocopherol.s metabolites, what is necessary for the re-establishment of the
violative balance in the system of antioxidative protection.
Kharkov State University Ministry of Education of Ukraine
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