Comparative effects of menthol and icilin on the induced contraction of the smooth muscles of the vas deferens of normal and castrated rats
Vladymyrova IA, Filippov IB, Kuliieva IeM, Iurkevych A, Skryma R, Prevarskaia N, Shuba IaM
- O.O.Bogomoletz Institute of Physiology, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
- International Center of Molecular Physiology, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
- Department of Pharmacology, Escola Paulisata de Medicina, Universiade Federal de Sao Paulo, Brazil
- Laboratoire de Physiologie Cellulaire, Universite des Sciences et Technologies de Lille, France

Non-specific TRPM8 agonist menthol was shown to inhibit voltage- and agonist-evoked contractions of the smooth muscle (SM) of rat vas deferens. Here we compared the action of menthol with the action of more specific TRPM8 agonist icilin on depolarization-(60 mM KC1), carbachol-(CCh) and noradrenalin-(Nor)-evoked contractions of the SM strips from the prostatic and epididymal portions of the vas deferens of normal and castrated (60-137 days) rats. Inhibitory action of menthol (100 uM) and icilin (10 uM) on the amplitude of KCl-, CCh- and Nor-induced contractions of normal as well as castrated rats was similar consisting about 50%, despite castration per se strongly potentiated CCh- and Nor-evoked contractions compared to the control animals. In the epididymal portion of the control animals menthol suppressed KCl- and CCh-evoked contractions by 46±5% and 32±3% and icilin by only 14±4% and 6±7%, respectively, whilst after castration both compounds became virtually ineffective. Considering that TRPM8 may localize in the sarcolemma and sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) membrane and that menthol can also block voltage-gated calcium channels (VGCCs), our data indicate that in the prostatic portion TRPM8 modulates contractility by primarily decreasing the SR Ca2+ stores content, whilst in the epididymal one by both decreasing the SR filling and supporting Ca2+ entry. Drop in the circulation androgens as a result of castration changes the menthol- and icilin-mediated modulation of the rat vas deferens SM contractility via the decrease of the expression of L-type VGCCs and increase of the expression of TRPM8.
vas deferens, гладкие мышцы, TRPM8,ментол, исилин, норадреналин, карбахолин, кастрация.
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