Українська English

ISSN 2522-9028 (Print)
ISSN 2522-9036 (Online)

Fiziologichnyi Zhurnal

is a scientific journal issued by the

Bogomoletz Institute of Physiology
National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

Editor-in-chief: V.F. Sagach

The journal was founded in 1955 as
1955 – 1977 "Fiziolohichnyi zhurnal" (ISSN 0015 – 3311)
1978 – 1993 "Fiziologicheskii zhurnal" (ISSN 0201 – 8489)
1994 – 2016 "Fiziolohichnyi zhurnal" (ISSN 0201 – 8489)
2017 – "Fiziolohichnyi zhurnal" (ISSN 2522-9028)

Fiziol. Zh. 2011; 57(4): 12-20

Effects of cytokine-like polypeptide EMAP II and flutamide on the testosterone-stimulated prostate of castrated rats

Reznikov OH, Chaĭkovs'ka LV, Poliakova LI, Sachyns'ka OV

    V.Komissarenko Institute of Endocrinology and Metabolism, Kyiv, Ukraine


The effects of separate and combined administration of cytokine-like polypeptide EMAP II and flutamide, a non-steroid antiandrogen, on morphology and function of the ac­cessory sexual glands in castrated rats stimulated with test­osterone propionate were studied. We found antiangiogenic, procoagulating and proapoptotic effects of EMAP II in the ventral prostate. Combined administration of the preparations enhanced their antiprostatic effects, which were manifested in inhibition of the androgen-dependent processes in prostate tissues, changes in proliferation and apoptosis, DNA, RNA and protein contents. We conclude that combined administra­tion of EMAP II and flutamide can be used for development of new therapeutic modalities in prostate cancer.

Keywords: EMAP II, flutamide, apoptosis, proliferation, ratprostate, castration, testosterone propionate.


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© National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Bogomoletz Institute of Physiology, 2014-2025.