Insulin resistance and physical performance in middle age and elderly people
Korkushko OV, Ishchuk VO, Shatylo VB, Chyzhova VP
Institute of Gerontology AMS of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine

In 43 middle age and elderly people without obesity (body mass index of less than 30 kg/m2) we studied the relationship between insulin resistance (IR) and physical performance. It is shown that in healthy elderly IR is associated with a moderate increase of insulin and a small increase in the level of glucose in the blood plasma. In the middle age people, IR has no effect on physical performance. IR in the elderly people is accompanied by the decrease in physical performance due to less economical for hemodynamic load and oxygen consumption. A lower exercise tolerance in elderly people without obesity can be considered not only as a risk factor for insulin resistance, but also as its consequence.
physical performance, insulin resistance, middleage, elderly
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