The changes in mental working capacity of operatorsat 24-hour shift
V. Kalnysh, A. Shvets, A. Yeschenko
Research Institute of Military Medicine Problems of Military Forces of Ukraine, Irpin, Ukraine

Psychophysiological peculiarities of influence of a 24-hour shift work on the efficiency of operators have been discussed. It was shown that servicemen operators develop significant fatigue as a result of 24 hrs duty services. The informative psychophysiological characteristics which can be reliable indicators of fatigue level are highlighted. Individual psycho-physiological indicators of fatigue level, according to different mechanisms of its development, have been proposed. The hypothesis about the existence of several compensatory mechanisms for maintenance of long duty operators’ working capacity has been formulated.
Simple psychomotor reaction, compouned psy-chomotor reaction, functional mobility of nervous processes,working capacity
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