Anaesthetic and postanaesthetic effect of isoflurane on the multiple-unit activity of the immature rat hippocampus.
Isaeva EV, Isaev DS
O.O. Bogomoletz Institute of Physiology National Acad-emy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
DOI: https://doi.org/10.15407/fz57.01.017
We investigated anesthetic and postanaesthetic effect of isoflurane on the multi-unit activity (MUA) in the CA3 region of immature rat hippocampus. MUA amplitude did not significantly change during application of isoflurane. On the other hand MUA frequency significantly decreased during the anesthesia. After isoflurane discontinuation two phases of MUA frequency recovery were observed: initial rapid increase followed by a slower recovery to the control level. Comparison of recovering period of the receptor mediated systems and spontaneous field activity from isoflurane anesthesia is discussed.
ізофлюран, електрична активністьнейронів, гіпокамп, щур
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