The effect of hyperthyroidism on the cognition processes and the state of the glial intermediate filaments in the rat brain
Nedzvets'kyĭ VS, Nerush PO
Dnepropetrovsk National University; Dnepropetrovsk State Medical Academy, Ukraine
The effects of hyperthyreosis on oxidative stress, state of glial intermediate filaments and memory were investigated. We observed a significant increase in lipid peroxidation products into both hippocampus and cortex and memory worsening. The changes of GFAP polypeptides was observed in hippocampus and cortex. In group of rats with hyperthyreosis, the content of GFAP in both soluble and filamentous fractions was increased in hippocampus. This data shows, that glial cytoskeleton is reconstructed under thyroid hormone effects.
glial intermediate filaments, hipertireosis, cognitive processe
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