Interrelations of uric acid metabolism indices with insulin and testosterone levels in men with type 2 diabetes
Hurina NM, Korpacheva-Zinych OV, Shuprovych AA
V.P. Komissarenko Institute of Endocrinology and Metabolism of Асademy of Medical Sciences, Kyiv, Ukraine

95 men aged 45-65, suffering from type 2 diabetes for 0.1-20 years (4.5±1.4) were examined. Hypoandrogenia (serum testosteron < 10,4 nmol/ml) was noted in 37 % of investigated patients. Hyperuricemia (HUA), defined by serum uric acid (UAs) content more than 450 pmol/L, was detected in 34 % of subjects. In 74 % of patients there was a high level of 24h UA urine excretion (UAu>4.43 mmol), suggesting a hyperpro-duction of UA. Because the level of uricemia is defined by UA production and extretion, we outline two main types of alterations in UA methabolism: normouricemic, hyperuricosuric and hyperuricemic . In normouricemic and hyperuricosuric men UA excretion growth in parallel with the rate of kidney filtration, obesity, glicemia. High urate elimination index (UEI) suggests a decrease of UA reabsorbtion in kidney. The results allow us to suggest a significance of insulin and testosterone influence on regulation of UA metabolism in aged men with type 2 diabetes and insulin resistance syndrome.
uric acid, metabolism, type 2 diabetes, insulin resistant syndrome, insulin, testosterone, men
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