Influence of nitric-oxide donatorson the myocardium contractive activity
T. S. Lagodych
A. A. Bogomoletz National Medical University, Kiev

T. S. Lagodych
On the isolated guinea — pig heart perfused under Langendorff preparation influence
of the NO was studied. Donators of NO were nitroglycerinum and sodium nitroprusside.
The myocardium contractive activity indeces and the coronary flow were studied
before and after introduction of the guanilatcyclase blockade by methylene blue. The
received results show that after introduction of nitroglycerinum and sodium
nitroprusside myocardium contractive activity indeces decrease, and the coronary
flow increases. After introduction of methylene blue myocardium contractive activity
indeces almost do not change — that confirms the guanilatcyclase mechanism of NO
A. A. Bogomoletz National Medical University, Kiev
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© National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Bogomoletz Institute of Physiology, 2014-2025.