Age-related changes in morpho-functional stateof the heart
O. V. Korkushko, I. V. Dolot
Institute of GerontologyAcademy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev
O. V. Korkushko, I. V. Dolot
The aim of this study was to assess age-related morpho-functional peculiarities of the
heart on the basis of investigating the chrono-inotropic dependence of left ventricular
[LV] myocardium.The results of this investigation are of importance for geriatric
practice. They are necessary for determining the markers and elaborating the
quantitative criteria of detecting the early stages of heart failure and finding the
ways to its correction in elderly people. Twenty subjects aged 20—35 and forty four
subjects aged 60—74 without clinical symptoms of cardiovascular pathology were
investigated by means of stress-echocardiography. The indices of systolic and diastolic
functions of the heart were studied by means of the transesophageal atrial electric
pacing (TAEP) at baseline and at each frequency of pacing with the assessmant of
degree and type of LV myocardium hypertrophy. In all of the subjects investigated
the results of TAEP were negative, i.e. they showed no signs of coronary insufficiency.
In elderly people the increment values of contraction and relaxation velocity indices
at the same pacing frequency were significantly lower (Р<0,05) in comparison with
ones obtained in younger subjects. In elderly people a decrease of the maximal relaxation
velocity occurred at submaximal age-related heart rate (on the average 135 beats/min)
as compared to intermediate pacing frequencies whereas in younger subjects a further
increment of this value continued. The LV hypertrophy developing with ageing plays
on the one hand a compensatory role but on the other hand it deteriorates the diastolic
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© National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Bogomoletz Institute of Physiology, 2014-2025.