The role of mitochondria in NO-dependent regulation of Na+, K+ -ATP activity in the rat aorta
Akopova OV, Kotsiuruba AV, Kharlamova OM, Korkach IuP, Sahach VF
- O.O. Bogomoletz Institute of Physiology, National Academyof Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
- A.V. Palladin Institute of Biochemistry, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
In experiments in vivo we studied the interaction between two ion-transporting mechanisms of cardiovascular system -Na+,K+-ATPase of rat aorta and Ca2+-uptake system of mitochondria in short-term response to different doses of NO donor, nitroglycerine (NG). The activity of the Na+,K+-ATPase was determined in rat aorta, and mitochondrial uptake of Ca2+ was studied in rat heart mitochondria assuming that metabolism induced by NO in cardiac mitochondria is similar to that in rat aortic mitochondria. The data show a coordinated dose-dependent action of NG on Na+,K+-ATPase activity as well as Ca2+-uptake in mitochondria. An activation of Na+,K+-AT-Pase by low dose of NG (0,25 mg/kg body weight) is accompanied by the activation of Ca2+-uptake in mitochondria as a result of inhibition of permeability transition pore. However, further increase of the dose of the drug leads to reciprocal changes of studied parameters: the decrease in Na+-pump activity below the control level and the increase of Ca2+-uptake in mitochondria with a peak at 1,0 mg/kg NG, which takes place in parallel with the dramatic rise in the level of ROS and RNS together with their toxic products, nitrosothiols (NT) and free iron (Fe2+) content in mitochondria. Strong correlation between Ca2+-uptake and Fe2+-release, Fe2+-release and .OH-radical formation, the rise in .OH-radical level and the decrease of that of H2O2 and mitochondrial NT together with the inhibition of Na+,K+-ATPase favor a hypothesis that oxidative stress in rat aorta is of mitochondrial origin due to an enhanced uptake of Ca2+ into mitochondrial matrix, Fe2+ deliverance and manifold increase in .OH-radical formation from decomposi-tion of hydroperoxide in Haber-Weiss reaction and the decomposition of mitochondrial NT via formation of peroxynitrite, both catalysed by Fe2+, with subsequent release of OH-radi-cal. Effective abolition of Na+,K+-ATPase inhibition by potent antioxidant melatonine gives the evidence of the oxidative nature of Na+,K+-ATPase inhibition by nitric oxide in rat aorta.
Na+, K+ -ATPase, aorta, Ca2+-uptake, heart mitochondria, ROS, RNS, oxidative damage
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