Effects of hypokinesia and hypoxia on the bone static electrogenesis
Levashov MI, Safonov SL, Lakhin PV
O.O.Bogomoletz Institute of Physiology, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
DOI: https://doi.org/10.15407/fz56.03.062
It was studied the conformities to law of quasistatic electric potential (QSEP) distribution on the periosteal surface of 64 adult Vistar rats-males fresh exited femur and their changes after dosed hypokinesia and hypoxia influences. The maximal negative sizes of QSEP were incorporated in epiphyseal-meta-physeal departments and minimal - in the central part of bone diaphysis. Conformities to law of QSEP distribution on the periosteal surface fresh exited bone represented the physiology unevenness of metabolic processes intensity in the different bone departments. Reparative regeneration was accompanied with strengthening of electro-negativity of reparations and adjacent parts and changing of physiology character of QSEP distribution on the periosteal surface of the damaged bone. Hypokinesia disturbed of bone static electrogenesis. It was accompanied with diminishing of QSEP size especially in bone parts which had hight level of metabolism. Dosed an intermittent normobarical and hypobarical hypoxia activated of bone static electrogenesis. More considerably increasing of QSEP in old rats was obtained after the intermittent hypobarical hypoxia influences.
bone, quasistatic electric potential, hypokinesia,hypoxia.
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© National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Bogomoletz Institute of Physiology, 2014-2024.