Effects of cardioelectrostimulation and chemical reagents on autonomicnervous regulation of heart rate
R.vaiciulyte, R.lekas, G.civinskiene, A.laukeviciene, J.bernatoniene, V. Giedrimas, J.andriuskevicius
Ин-т кардиологии; Ин-т биомед. исследований;Каунас. мед. ун-т
The aim of the study was to evaluate the peculiarities of heart rate variability and autonomic nervous system regulation and to predict the changes in sinus rhythm after successful medical or electrical correction. 72 patients with atrial fibrillation before and after its correction have been monitored. Atrial fibrillation during the first month after cardioversion occurred in 26,3 % of patients. Data analysis using computerized heart rhythm analysis showed a decreased heart rate variability in patients during atrial fibrillation and increased heart rate variability. These parameters are the markers which characterize the sinus rhythm maintenance.
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