The action of l-arginine on prooxidantantioxidantstatus of rat vessels and lungs under experimental rhabdomyolisys
V.P. Fylymonenko, I.V. Nikitchenko, P.A. Kaliman
Харків. нац. ун-т ім. В.Н. Каразіна М-ва освіти та науки України
The glycerol administration was found to cause accumulation of the total heme in rat blood serum, vessels and lungs that are accompanied by increase of TBA-reactive products and protein carbonyl derivates contents. A decrease of superoxide dismutase activity and an increase of reduced glutathione in lung were observed. Heme entering the vessels and lungs is accompanied by elevation in heme oxygenase activity. Pre-treatment by L-arginine (0.5 h before glycerol administration) didn’t affect blood serum and vessels changes caused by glyc-erol injection. However, in lungs, L-arginine prevents TBA-reactive products and protein carbonyl derivates accumulation, the decrease of superoxide dismutase activity and causes the ealier heme oxygenase induction. Prooxidant effects of heme in tissues studied and possible mechanisms of L-arginine protective action in lung under experimental rhabdomyolysis are discussed.
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