Oxidative stress in cardiovascularsystem at chronic deficiency of cerebral dopamine in rats
S.A. Talanov, A.V. Kotsuruba, YU.P. Korkach, V.F. Sahach
O.O.Bogomoletz Institute of Physiology, National Academyof Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv
The physiological significance of cardiac mitochondrial reactive oxygen species (ROS) regulation is unknown. In the current study, mitochondrial ROS (.O2- and .OH) generation, stable H2O2 and lipids peroxidation marker (malonic dialdehyde, MDA) pools, as well as pools of potent antioxidants – urea and uric acid – were determined in rat heart, miocardial mitochondria and in blood plasma and erytrocytes at low (44 %) and high (96 %) levels of cerebral dopamine-synthesis neurons destruction (by 6-hydroxidopamine treatment). In the untreated rats, ROS generation, H2O2 and MDA levels were low but in rats with chronic (3-4 month) deficiency of cerebral dopamine synthesis by nigro-striatal dopaminergic system, ROS generation and lipids peroxidation were progressively increased. Dopamine deficiency can improve mitochondrial efficiency of oxidative phosphorylation due to oxidative stress.
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