V.V. Korpachev, N.M. Gurina, T.I. Korpacheva, A.A. Shuprovich, I.A. Mosendz
V.P. Komissarenko Institute of Endocrinology and Metabolism of AMS, Kyiv, Ukraine

Hyperuricemia (HU) is considered to be a sign of metabolic syndrome as a consequence of purine metabolism disorder. To investigate alterations in uric acid (UA) methabolism, 90 subjects (M/F 53/37, aged 58±4 yr) with type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM2) were divided into 5 groups depending on the amount of excreted UA and its content in blood plasma. HU was found in 29% of patients, while hyperpoduction of UA was characteristic in 87% patients. Normo- or hypouricemia in majority of patients were mostly connected to kidney hyperfiltration and “compensatory” hyperuricosuria. HU with decreased UA excretion (“kidney” HU) was characteristic of severe DM2 with reduced kidney filtration rate. “Metabolic” HU with increased formation and excretion rated of UA was observed only in obese men.. Increased insulinemia levels and insulin resistance index (IR) were found in obese patients in comparison with subjects with normal weight, independently of the type of UA excretion disorder. IR strongly correlated with serum UA levels in all groups of patients. The results suggest the significance of insulin resistance and abdominal obesity in UA metabolism in DM2.
Hyperuricemia, purine metabolism disorder, uric acid, type 2 diabetes mellitus
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