Autoimmune processes and biocompatibilityat the local damages of endotheliumof the heart and its vessels
Shevchenko V.S.
Institute of Cardiovascular Surgeryof Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine
At immunoproductive processes in endothelium of patients with coronary atherosclerosis
and endocarditis a phase dynamics of innate immunity represented by polytypic Ca2+-
dependent autoprecipitating proteins of nonclonal recognition of surface cell membrane
components (CMC) have been revealed. In case of coronary atherosclerosis the organism
reaction to expressed CMC is manifested basically by intensified synthesis of cathodic
complement-C3-similar autoprecipitin, but in case of endocarditis — by consumption
of one with formation of anodic autoprecipitin and by intensified synthesis of
autoprecipitating immunoglobulin G. These membranotropic autoimmune reactions
are identical with the organism reactions to alien (heterologous) agents and
differentially participate in development both of basic disease and perioperational
complications after cardiac operations using trans- and implantats, hence, they should
be taken into accout during membrane-stabilising and immunocorrecting therapy of
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