L.A. Latyshenko, E.M.Reshetnik, S.P.Veselsky, M.Yu.Makarchuk
Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University, Ukraine

In acute experiments on rats the influence of ley-enkephalin (1 mkg/100 g) on liver bile secretion function and changes of organic contents of bile were studied. For studying the influence of opioid peptide under conditions of altered state of adreno-and cholinoreceptors, the antagonists of a- and b-adreno-receptors phentolamin (25 mkg/100 g) and obzidan (5 mkg/100 g), and the blocker of M-holinoreceptors atropine (2 mkg/100 g) were used. The pharmacological modulation of autonomous nervous systems alters the effects of ley-enkephalin on cholesecretions. Opioid peptide in the presence of antagonists of a-adrenoreceptors stimulates the processes of bile acids conjugation, in the presence of antagonists of b-adrenoreceptors it cancels the effects of ley-enkephalin. The antagonists M-holinoreceptors reverse the effects of ley-enkephalin for the opposite ones: the synthesis and transport of free bile asides and cholisterine are suppressed.
rats, ley-enkephalin, liver bile
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