Mechanisms of enhanced vascular contractilityin experimental animals and human under conditionof atherosclerosis
A. V. Gurkovskaya, A. I. Pliska, V. A. Buryi, N. I. Gokina
A.A.Bogomoletz Institut of PhysiologyNаtional Academy of Scence of Ukraine, Kiev

Contractile and electrical responses of muscle strips from rabbit aorta to 5-HT and
hyper K solution were compared in controls group of rabbits fed a normal diet, and
atherosclerotic animals fed 1% cholesterol diet for 12 weeks (atherosclerotic group).
A study of vascular responses of human popliteal artery was also carried out.It was
shown that smooth muscle cells from arteriosclerotic vessels of both rabbits and
human exhibit an increased sensitivity to contractile action of hyperpotassium solution
and 5-HT.
We found no significant difference in the densities of L-type Ca 2+ channel current as
well as voltage dependent K+ channels current measured by patch clamp method in
single smooth muscle cells from control and atherosclerotic rabbit aorta.
Removal of endotelium from the vascular strips resulted in an enhanced vascular
contractility in control but not in atherosclerotic group. The dose response curves for
endothelium-free muscle strips for both 5-HT and hyper K solution were not
significantly different between the two groups.
Our result suggest that the enhanced vascular responses to 5-HT and hyper K under
condition of arteriosclerosis could be attributed to an impaired function of endothelium
which is a source of substances particularly nitric oxide that mediates vascular
relaxation and provides a compensatory mechanism to keep periferal resistance at
lower level.
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