The role of toll-like receptors inregulation of immune responses innorm and pathology
N.Ya.Spivak, I.M. Bogdanova, N.I.Martyrosova,V.V.Malaytsev.
D.K. Zabolotnyi Institute of microbiology and virusologyNAS of Ukraine;Diaprofmed, Kyiv, Ukraine;Institute of Human Morphology RAMS, Moscow, RussiaVINITI RAS, Moscow, Russia
We have analyzed the recent data about Toll-like receptors
(TLRs) that play the most important role in host immune de-
fense. TLRs involved in induction and modulation of innate and
acquired immunity as the integrators of their reactions. Genetic
disorders of TLRs or their signaling pathways components were
noticed with different pathologies. TLRs are the ideal molecu-
lar target for the therapy of many diseases including inflammatory,
autoimmune, allergic and tumor diseases.
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