Immunoregulatory role of mesenchymal stem cells in bone reparationprocesses
D.A. Zubov.
Institute of Genetic and Regenerative Medicine, Kiev
Bone marrow contains mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) includ-
ing osteoblast progenitor cells. When cultured under conditions
promoting an osteoblastic phenotype, MSC proliferate to form
colonies that produce alkaline phosphatase and, subsequently, a
mature osteoblastic phenotype. Transplantation of cultured au-
tologous MSC to patients with non-healing bone fractures gives
a good result leading to complete bone fracture consolidation.
The aim of the study is to determine a quantitative production of
IL-1?, IL-2, IL-4, IL-6, IL-8 and TNF-? by cultured uncom-
mitted and committed osteogenic MSC. The results showed that
the cytokine profile consisting of IL-1?, IL-2, IL-4, IL-6, IL-8
and TNF-? is secreted by cultured MSC. The secretion of IL-
1? and IL-2 by cultured MSC together with hyper production of
IL-6 (up to 276,5 pg/ml, р<0,05) and IL-8 (up to 106,6 ng/ml,
р<0,05) by osteoinducted MSC are firstly shown. The
immunoregulatory role of transplanted autologous cells in in-
flammation and own bone reparation processes during post-
traumatic bone fracture healing is highlighted. In conclusion,
the data obtained allow examining of cultured autologous MSC
as effective activators of bone resorption, inflammation and
some immunological reactions in the process of altered
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