Search for ways to correctthymic dysfunction in rats with experimental diabetes mellitus
Yu.M. Kolesnik, A.M. Kamyshny, A.V. Abramov.
Zaporozhye Medical State University

We investigated the influence of multiple introductions of NO
precursor L-arginine and NOS non-selective blocker N-nitro-
L-arginine (NNLA) on thymic morpho-functional status in
Wistar male rats with experimental diabetes mellitus (EDM).
To reveal insulin-expressing, proliferating, Treg-cells, iNOS+-
cells and Bcl-2+-cells, the immunohistochemical methods of
direct and indirect immunofluorescence with monoclonal anti-
bodies to insulin, PCNA, CD-25 antigen. Bcl-2 and iNOS of
rat were used. It was established that NNLA administration to
rats with EDM has more pronounced effect in comparison
with L-arginine administration, demonstrating an increase in
the number of Treg-cells, insulin-expressing and proliferating
thymocytes and a decrease in the density of iNOS+- and Bcl-
2+-cells population.
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