The gaseous exchange,thermoregulation and antioxidant enzyme activities in aging c57bl/6 mice
N.A. Utko, I.N.pishel, V.V. Bezrukov, KH.K. MuradiaN.
Ін-т геронтології АМН України
The distribution type and correlative links between physi-
ological and biochemical indices characterizing functional con-
dition of the systems of gaseous exchange (Vo2 and Vco2),
thermoregulation (body temperature and coefficient of
thermoconductivity) and antioxidant defense have been stud-
ied in 62 young (3-5mo.) and 58 old (23-26 mo.) male C57Bl/
6 mice. The coefficients of variation differed significantly de-
pending on the variable but not the age-group. Mean values of
Vo 2 and Vco2, body temperature and thermoconductivity, but
not activities of the antioxidant enzymes, declined in aging.
Moreover, the activities of catalase, glutathione-peroxidase
and glutathionereductase, i.e. enzymes involved in regulation
of hydrogen peroxide level, increased in aging. The correlations
between Vo2 and Vco2, Vo2 and body temperature or Vo2 and
the liver pH, as well as between the antioxidant enzyme activi-
ties exhibited little age-changes. However, three-dimensional
non-linear models revealed significant age-changes in relations
between the studied variables
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